Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Family Christmas

It is really awesome to have a close family and get to spend Christmas day with Aunts, Uncles, Nieces, Nephews, Cousins, Parents and Children. Have to really apreciate it more as people get older!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Broken ankle

On Saturday a balustrades wall gave way at Rocksound causing me to fall 10 feet and break my right ankle. The xray shows the break; the other picture is for Ashley showing where they went in to screw it all back together. I feel like Humpty Dumpty!!!!!!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Tough day at the office!!!!!!

Great vacation

I have been remiss in not updating my blog as much as I should especially after going on an amazing vacation. We just spent a week in the San Juan Islands, WA on the new Good Graycious (pictured)!! We started in Anacortes, WA, (just north of Seattle) and ended up in Victoria, BC, (actually Sydney Harbour bit people would get confused and thing we were in Australia!!!!) Great food, amazing wine, awesome boat, spectaculat scenaery (including two days of Orcas around the boat) and lsat but not least thye company made the trip!!! Anyway lots of pictures at this link


Thursday, July 21, 2011


There are somethings in ones life that can just be described as nirvana, awesome, spectacular etc. one of those things is a bacon cheese burgers from Dorothys. Before and after pictures (5 minutes apart)!!!!!!!